Saturday, March 19, 2016

Final script thoughts

I may or may not be beating a dead horse here, but I'm quite frankly slightly obsessing over the script. I feel as though the script may not be necessarily as important as the other aspects of the production process for this project (i.e. shots/angles/composition, editing, sounds, etc.), but it's a personal passion of mine and so I'm putting extra effort into it anyways. In addition, I have a feeling my production is going to be very different from most people's. I'm not sure if this is better or worse - or neither, and just different on its own - but in order to draw viewers in with a majorly simplistic/minimalistic plot and overall production in general, the script needs to be spot on. Not to mention I'm more than contemplating fully pursuing the production of this short film on my own after the conclusion of the project.

In addition to all those technical reasons as to why the script is important, it's important to always - ALWAYS - keep both genre and target audience in mind. I feel as though in addition to this project being a platform to exemplify and showcase technical skills, it's also a prime opportunity to prove your understanding of marketing and representation. For example, I chose my actors very wisely - the contrast between a snarky white male and a quirky black female was entirely intentional. Usually, the people who watch/enjoy/understand/appreciate satires are intellectuals who understand the implications of representation. More specifically, my specific themes/particular criticisms of the education system are very liberal leaning ideals - and liberal individuals are very critical of diversity through representation in media.

All that being said, the specific and well-thought-out content of my script is all for my genre and target audience. It's no secret that satire is hard to pull off, and I didn't take the challenge I signed up for lightly. I wasn't going to plow through the script and focus on pretty shots when I know that that's not what the audience that would eventually buy tickets for this film is looking for or expecting from a film marketed for its social commentary. I believe that, as long as I put in an equally well-thought-out process during the making of my shot list, and take cinematography as seriously as I took the script, that my production can be just as visually/technically pleasing as - if not even more than - a project that consisted of planning/taking shots through ninety percent of their production process. Shots aren't just meant to be pretty - they're meant to express meaning. And my film is all about meaning.

Adding onto the seriousness of my script, the absurdity is also a huge part of both the comedy of the film as well as contributing to one of the most important aspects of the genre. It's imperative that all satires are even just a little bit absurd. The entire point of satirical commentary is to point out and criticize the ridiculousness of some aspect of society. Absurdity is ridiculous. It works. That's why the genre is so successful. It also adds a huge comical element to the film, as well as alerting viewers that they shouldn't take the content too seriously.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Jen,
    I hope you are doing well and the issues regarding your filming process and actress are getting worked out.I really admire your motivation to take on a more challenging project, incorporating a lot of dialogue within your introduction.
    Your blog starts out very strong, but I think it is imperative that you add a little more depth to your posts. Your research is great and your overall idea is wonderful as well, but the audience wants to know more. More detail and use of images and other multimedia will get people more excited to watch your production.
    I know that you have had to take on multiple challenging obstacles regarding your project. Although you have had to handle some tough situations, I encourage you to keep a positive mindset and keep on putting your best foot forward. I am looking forward to seeing your final production. Good luck! :)
