Saturday, March 19, 2016

Script draft! Part 2

After being unhappy with the first draft of my script, I not only had to scrap everything and start over to change the style/flow of dialogue, but also continue to brainstorm and expand my ideas because I scrapped my first draft before I was able to arrive at a conclusion. So, while re-writing the beginning portion of the script, it was also time to brainstorm.

First thing was first, and that was me deciding which ideas were imperative to hit. I decided on the "pointless skills" point that I had already touched upon with scuba diving, and the idea that public schools are a "factory" that produce the same type of cookie-cutter students - an idea that I got from a friend of mind named Adri while talking about the elevator setting, as well as a teacher of mine during my interview with them (they asked to remain anonymous).

With these points in mind, I also came up with the idea to throw in some dialogue about taking a driving test. This was, quite frankly, because while I was writing the script I was also preparing to take my driving test for my license that same week. I was really nervous about it, but everyone told me to relax and that I would be fine - I knew how to drive, and so I would know how to pass. Despite this mentality, I was still explicitly nervous, and it only took minimal contemplation to draw the connection between my anxious feelings and the commentary within the themes of my project: the education system doesn't value skills themselves, it values your ability to pass a test.

Through several drafts, numerous read-throughs, and extensive feedback from intellectual/respectable friends of mine, I finally finished drafting my full script. All in all, these are the points that I hit:

  • Learning pointless skills (scuba diving)
  • Correlation between financial income and academic success (scuba diving)
  • Learning for a test rather than learning the skill itself (driving test)
  • Schools' similarities to factories/replicating the same type of student (getting a job)

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