Oh boy, we're really far into this project and I've only just now come to the realization that I still don't have a title for my film! I'm not at all good with being clever, so I'm sorta stressing about what the name could possibly be. Maybe I'll ask around - my friend Cherry prides himself in being an expert at puns - but for now, I'll keep brainstorming.
I did come to one epiphany during my shower a bit earlier: Trapped In the Box ... instead of Jack In the Box? I don't know, I thought it wasn't bad and got the message of the film pretty across. Plus, when you think of Jack In the Box, you think of kids (students) and playfulness (the quirky nature of the film). I'm not sure yet ... I'm worried both that audiences won't get the reference to Jack In the Box, and that the message is too in-your-face through the title. I think more interpretation = more powerful.
---- LATER ----
I asked sme friends if they understood the Trapped In the Box reference ... and they didn't. So! What I instead came up with is: Cardboard. Simple. Simplistic. To the point. Students are put into boxes. The characters are "literally trapped in a box." I think it's fitting.
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